LTR is a well-known abbreviation among online dating apps that usually indicates a desire for long-term relationships. It is arguably one of the ironic terms nowadays, as I see more than ever that some of my friends undergo separations or legal divorces. Yet, I also observe some relationships I know around me, with more than 20 years of dedication, however rare it feels these days. Most couples either grow together in parallel paths or grow apart in V-shaped roads. No magical glue will be able to stick them back together. Like branches of a tree that grow in different ways and harden in those directions, they won’t rejoin unless by cutting and re-grafting. So, is it hard to imagine and believe in the magic of LTR? Are we meant to be monogamists with long-term faithfulness and devotion? And if not, in what forms are these commitments possible? Are our values changing in today’s society, or do we not know what we want?
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LTR - To Be Two or Not
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LTR is a well-known abbreviation among online dating apps that usually indicates a desire for long-term relationships. It is arguably one of the ironic terms nowadays, as I see more than ever that some of my friends undergo separations or legal divorces. Yet, I also observe some relationships I know around me, with more than 20 years of dedication, however rare it feels these days. Most couples either grow together in parallel paths or grow apart in V-shaped roads. No magical glue will be able to stick them back together. Like branches of a tree that grow in different ways and harden in those directions, they won’t rejoin unless by cutting and re-grafting. So, is it hard to imagine and believe in the magic of LTR? Are we meant to be monogamists with long-term faithfulness and devotion? And if not, in what forms are these commitments possible? Are our values changing in today’s society, or do we not know what we want?